Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Partnership with Tailored to Hire

RootsUp is very excited to be partnering with another local nonprofit Tailored To Hire.  Wanda Alberts, the founder of Tailored to Hire will be presenting an ongoing cycle of job skills training courses to members (especially women!) of the RootsUp target community.

Tailored to Hire provides assistance and guidance for every step of the job seeking process from resume building and getting through the application process to one-on-one interview skills workshops, and clothing assistance for interviews and/or work uniforms.  They also work with businesses who are looking for employees to help find the right "fit."

Wanda has already begun to craft a program tailored specifically to the RootsUp mission for community building and empowerment. This program will teach important job seeking/retaining skills including: job resource location, networking, resume building, interview skills, workplace etiquette and budgeting.

Welcome to the team, Wanda and Tailored to Hire!  We are so glad to be working with you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Target Community Unveiled!

After many hours sifting through and sorting demographic data, RootsUp has chosen its target community.  The area that we have chosen to launch our efforts is US Census tract number 10, which falls between Walnut St. and 15th Ave. and the Rock River and Kishwaukee Street.

This location is very diverse and ripe for community work.  This relatively small area includes many important community elements which can be tied together to support each other and grow.  The area consists of housing from low-income housing projects to upper-middle class homes. There are at least two known thriving neighborhood associations including Haight Village and The Orchid Neighborhood Association.  Large businesses such as Behr Recycling can be found in tract 10 as well as small businesses like Ricotta's Automotive.  Public service buildings can also be found in tract 10 such as the 9-1-1 building and the Winnebago County Health Department.  Tract 10 has two public parks, one public school, several churches of varied denominations, and a Boys and Girls Club.  Most importantly,the people living in tract 10 meets all of the demographic standards of need that have we have established.

RootsUp is very excited to begin working with the people of Tract 10.  Our first orders of operation will be to meet with the existing businesses, organizations, and neighborhood associations to gain insight into the existing assets and needs of the area.   More to come on this as it unfolds!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Giving to RootsUp

Many people have asked about donating to RootsUp and I am happy to announce that we are finally officially accepting and welcoming monetary contributions.

So where will your money go if you donate to RootsUp?

RootsUp is about one thing: building community through the support of women and children.  Our projects will always have those goals in view. RootsUp will be working within a specifically-defined geographical location in its community-building efforts.

So what is RootsUp going to do in its chosen area?  We have several projects simmering: community classes, services networking, early literacy services, parenting support, job skills training, especially for women, and skills workshops for young adults.

We are looking for volunteers and financial contributions to help support these important projects.  Our goal is to drastically change the face of the area we work in; recoloring its place on the map to make it a vibrant, thriving community that supports the success of its people and that is supported by the success of its people. Who wouldn't feel great about being a part of that?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sew-In Success!

The Sew for Women Sew-In was a great success.  A lot of people came by to help or donate materials.  Amy Lawrence from IPE generously donated lots of fruit, snacks, and tea which were greatly appreciated by those who participated.  The sew-in atmosphere was very enjoyable with food, coffee, and conversation swirling alongside constant cutting, pinning, sewing, and snipping.  The several kids who came along had a great time tumbling around together around the work.  Overall it was a great time for people to meet and get to know each other over a good cause.

Those who were unable to come to the sew-in have offered their generous help in other ways, some contributing materials and others contributing time.  Altogether we need to make 15 large bags, 15 oil cloth bags, 45 liners and 135 inserts.  We are far from finished but plugging along at a very nice speed, collecting volunteers as we go along. We have even recruited some of the employees of the fabric stores we have been frequenting!

I would very much like to hold another sew-in this month to give the project one more nice hearty boost.  It's a very busy time for us and organizing another sew-in may be a scheduling nightmare but I hope to have these kits ready to send off by mid-May.  If you are interested in participating in this project we can use your help!  Please contact us at

Monday, April 4, 2011

Busy, Busy!

I have been busy creating working on the sanitary napkins and I look forward to our sewing party this weekend!  After a few trial runs, I have successfully created a prototype and pattern for our sanitary napkin.  The winner has been decided in a tight race between two styles. Having made one of each, I ran a wetness test last night and found that Style 1 won in leaps and bounds over Style 2 in absorbency and functionality, so-- it's a deal! We have our prototype.  Next, I need to create patterns for the other parts of the kit-- the interchangeable liners and the carrying/storage bag.  Ideally, I would like to include biodegradable soap and a few pairs of underwear in the kit as well, but that would be a call for IPE, as we are working together on this project and must agree on the cost for each kit.  However, we have been able to do this much on a shoestring.

Saturday, I will equip my household with lots of coffee, sweet rolls, muffins, and other assorted breakfast items and hold a "sew in" with open invitation.  Everyone will be able to come and help with cutting, finishing, sewing, or any other task while our kids tear the house down!  It should be a good time and for a good cause too.  Cheers!